Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Health Care Social Media Buddy Mentoring Chat 2 Tomorrow 12 CT

"The role of mainstream media will primarily become one of an aggregator, custodian and verifier, a credibility filter that sifts through all of this data and highlights what is and is not worth reading, understanding and trusting…” ( p.62, The New Digital Age,)

This makes me think that  in the same way these few lines are discussing the way traditional journalism must become the “aggregators” and “validators” so do not social media leaders?  Twitter links to many traditional news outlets, and other extremely solid sources of information. Therefore social media leaders must chart a course for populations that need to be lead to rich and useful information.

Health care social media leaders can help patient’s access useful discussions, forums, lists, blogs, Doctors, important organisations and much more, and therefore we need to keep finding top notch educators, navigators and curators to help build those bridges for people too access quality information amidst the noise.
If traditional media is being asked to find new ways, so does new media need to find leaders who operate just like traditional media; they utilize the ultimate modern landscape but put traditional methods to use within it?

Please join @Shumilne @JBBC @randy_chalfant @naveen101 and others for Health Care Social Media Buddy Mentoring Chat 2 tomorrow at 12 CT, 11 MT, 10 PT, 1pm ET, 6pm GMT 
Check out the hashtag #hcsmbm and see what is going on  :)

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